Success StorySavor the Flavor by Growing Your Own Herbs
Savor the Flavor by Growing Your Own Herbs
Author: Sharon Flynt
Planning Unit: Scott County CES
Major Program: Local Food Systems
Plan of Work: Accessing Nutritious Foods
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
Research shows that people who garden are likely to improve both physical and mental health, as well as are more apt to eat more fruit, vegetables, and herbs when they grow them themselves. To encourage more home-prepared meals and grow your own gardening, the Scott County Extension Agent for Family and Consumer Sciences and Agent Horticulture worked together to host the workshop Savor the Flavor: Cooking with Oils, Herbs, and Spices.
The Horticulture agent focused on successfully growing your own herbs at home while the Family and Consumer Sciences agent focused on food preparation with oils, herb, and spices.
Savoring the Flavor by growing your home-grown herbs for use in cooking was emphasized. Each participant was supplied with seeds, pots, and soil to plant their own herb seeds during the workshop. Discussed was how to ensure seed germination and care for the growing plants, as well when and how to harvest fresh or dry herbs for use in their own dishes at home. Eleven people learned how to plant and care for herbs and took multiple herb seed planted pots home to grow on their window sill, deck, or patio.
At the end of the workshop each participant took a post-survey. The surveys revealed that 100% agreed or strongly agreed that the subject matter was timely and information given practical. Additionally, 100% agreed or strongly agreed that the program was “very educational” (10 out of 11 strongly agreed).
When asked about the most significant part of the program participated said the following:
• “Growing from seed is part of a new adventure with seasonal herbs.”
• “I will make my own spice/herb blends.”
• “Learning about different uses for herbs and how to use in different dishes.”
• “Growing and using more herbs.”
• “Learning about dry vs. fresh [herbs].”
• “Growing and using my own herbs. I enjoy growing plants, but classes help a lot.”
• “How to plant herbs. How to keep fresh herbs fresh.”
Stories by Sharon Flynt
A recent study showed that 55% of American households engage in gardening activities. The study also... Read More
Savor the Flavor by Growing Your Own Herbs
Research shows that people who garden are likely to improve both physical and mental health, as well... Read More
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment