Success StoryExtension Master Gardeners Benefit the Community with Science-based Information
Extension Master Gardeners Benefit the Community with Science-based Information
Author: Annette Heisdorffer
Planning Unit: Daviess County CES
Major Program: Master Gardener
Plan of Work: Community Vitality, Job Infrastructure, and Leadership
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
An Extension Agent is only one person. To reach more citizens of Daviess County with science-based horticulture information, the Agent for Horticulture Education has taught the Extension Master Gardener Program with a goal of training volunteers to reach out into the community with research-based horticultural information. In turn, these individuals seek opportunities to fulfill their personal goals of helping others by sharing the knowledge gained through this program.
A total of 46 Extension Master Gardeners reported that they volunteered 2,258 hours toward educational projects involving horticulture in the community this fiscal year. The Independent Sector reports the value of a volunteer’s hour at $26.85. The total value of the volunteer service to the community by the Extension Master Gardeners was $60,627. They also reported 601 hours of continuing education. Participants in this program shared their knowledge from the program by answering questions from clientele through educational booths at events such as the Owensboro Home Expo and Owensboro Regional Farmers’ Market. They also contributed by recording "how to" videos on horticultural topics and posting them on their Facebook page with agent approval. In addition, they maintain a Raised Bed Vegetable Garden and provide the produce to a soup kitchen for people in need. The volunteers continue to develop their leadership skills in teamwork through various projects such as the Seed Library in partnership with the Daviess County Public Library, which brings financial security and cost savings to residents. About 10,000 packets of seeds were checked out from the library that the Extension Master Gardeners had prepared. In addition, the Extension Master Gardeners play a critical role at the Western Kentucky Botanical Garden in Owensboro through developing and maintaining gardens. This garden contributes to the local economy through attracting tourists, enticing people to move into the community, and serving as a source of pride in Daviess County.
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