Success StoryUndergraduate Student Research Project Leverages Expertise of Kentucky Extension Homemaker Associate Sewing Guilds to Enhance Sustainability of Food Recovery Efforts
Undergraduate Student Research Project Leverages Expertise of Kentucky Extension Homemaker Associate Sewing Guilds to Enhance Sustainability of Food Recovery Efforts
Author: Courtney Luecking
Planning Unit: Dietetics and Human Nutrition
Major Program: Nutrition and Food Systems General
Outcome: Initial Outcome
The Mobile Food Market was a year-long collaboration among the Campus Kitchen at the University of Kentucky, Extension Cooperative Service, and community partners to support low-income families with children under age 6 in central Kentucky who experienced food insecurity. During that time, the Market had profound impact on food waste and food access by redirecting approximately 23,000 pounds of fresh produce plus pantry staples to more than 400 families. However, community partners expressed concerns about the quality and environmental impact of the paper bags used to package and deliver food to families.
In learning of this, Ms. Alina Goodman, an undergraduate student from the College of Public Health at the University of Kentucky, proposed upcycling textiles to reusable grocery bags for delivering food. Recognizing the potential for this project to enhance the environmental sustainability of the Mobile Food Market, Dr. Courtney Luecking, Extension Specialist and Faculty in the Department of Dietetics and Human Nutrition who worked with the Market, encouraged and sponsored Ms. Goodman’s successful application for a 2022 University of Kentucky Undergraduate Sustainability Summer Research Fellowship.
Dr. Luecking leveraged the time and talents of Jeanne Badgett, Senior Extension Associate for Clothing, Textiles, and Household Equipment, and Elizabeth Kingsland, Retired Family and Consumer Sciences Agent and Special Projects Consultant, to work with Ms. Goodman on crafting two sewing patterns. Patterns were presented to Kentucky Extension Homemaker Association (KEHA) Quilt Guilds in Fayette, Bourbon, and Scott County. KEHA members represent a strong, statewide volunteer network and Quilt Guilds have sewing expertise and stashes of fabric to repurpose. Members had the opportunity to participate in the research project to evaluate the process of upcycling their old textiles to reusable grocery bags and the environmental impact of creating and using the reusable bags.
Forty-four KEHA members participated in the research project. Participants primarily identified as white, non-Hispanic females aged 60 years or older (90%) and had an average of 51 years of sewing experience. Most participants (91%) reported they could quickly and easily craft both patterns in two hours or less. Nearly all participants had the materials on hand to create the bags; only one person needed to purchase fabric. Approximately half of the participants (56%) felt the project was a valuable way to spend their time. The research project diverted approximately 18 pounds of fabric from landfills. Campus Kitchen at the University of Kentucky continues to use the upcycled grocery bags. Based on the variety of fabrics used to create bags, this extended the utility of fabrics that required approximately 1,500 pounds of carbon emissions to produce.
The research project had a positive impact on the environment as well as Ms. Goodman’s undergraduate training experience. Dr. Luecking mentored Ms. Goodman through peer and lay communication opportunities to disseminate findings of this research project via two oral presentations and two posters at local, regional, and national conferences. The project also garnered attention from University and local media, with Dr. Luecking being invited to the Do Good Radio Hour podcast hosted by the Blue Grass Community Foundation. Results have also been reported to the KEHA members who volunteered their time, talent, and resources. This project represents the essence of the Land Grant mission to integrate teaching, research, and Extension service.
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