Author: Amy Kostelic
Planning Unit: School of Human Environmental Sciences
Major Program: Active Living and Health Promotions General
Outcome: Initial Outcome
Team: Amy Kostelic, Jill Harris (FCS Agent Todd County)
Research confirms that a sense of belonging to a group can enhance life quality by creating opportunity for social connection and support (Berg-Weger & Morley, 2020; Fancourt & Steptoe, 2017; Franke, Sims-Gould, Nettlefold, Ottoni, & McKay, 2021; O’Rourke, Collins & Sidani, 2018; Suragarn, Hain, & Pfaff, 2021). The Kentucky Extension Homemakers Association can be traced back to the beginning of the 20th century. In 2022, there were approximately 10,891 members. They are organized by 14 Areas. Each Area has an Area President in addition to county and club presidents. KEHA members work closely with UK Family and Consumer Sciences (FCS) county agents to plan, provide, and attend leadership, volunteer and educational opportunities. The KEHA history and dedication is impressive—from scholarships, leadership academies, volunteer opportunities, postage stamps, quilts, books, tapestries, art, educational & safety programs, historical archives, international work, and fundraising--the members of KEHA build comradery and have a state, national and international presence. Yet, the mission of KEHA has not been examined among members to confirm if they think participation in KEHA enhances a sense of learning, volunteerism, leadership, and social connection.
As a result, Jill Harris (Todd County FCS Agent) and Amy Kostelic (Extension Specialist for Adult Development and Aging) received IRB approval to develop a survey to better understand the experience of KEHA members. The objectives of this study include: (1) Evaluate whether members of KEHA feel that belonging to the Kentucky Extension Homemakers Association (KEHA) strengthens their subjective sense of leadership, volunteerism, and education; (2) Examine the degree to which a personal sense of belonging in KEHA is associated with enhanced social connections, support, and life quality.
Survey distribution to 722 members started in the KEHA Pennyrile Area where Jill Harris serves as a Cooperative Extension Agent. To date, 235 surveys have been returned.
After preliminary analysis, study personnel will decide if any adjustments to the survey or distribution process need to be made prior to moving forward with the other KEHA areas. The study is approved for data collection Spring 2023 - April 2024. Data will be evaluated May 2024 - December 2024.
The input from KEHA members and results of this study will provide insight into the ways in which KEHA members interpret their interaction with the organization and opportunities the organization provides. Such insight will contribute to the overall understanding of KEHA member experiences and help determine any gaps that are preventing KEHA from maintaining its mission.
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