Success Story2023 4-H Camp
2023 4-H Camp
Author: Brian Good
Planning Unit: Bell County CES
Major Program: Camping
Plan of Work: Unrelated to a specified County Plan of Work
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
Each summer, youth across the state of Kentucky participate in overnight camping experiences at one of four 4-H Camp sites throughout the Commonwealth. 4-H Camp provides opportunities for youth to get out of their comfort zones, try activities they have never attempted, increase skills they already have and make meaningful, lifelong friends. Bell County recently participated in four day session at JM Feltner Memorial 4-H Camp in London, KY. While there, youth participated in fishing, swimming, archery, riflery, climbing walls, zip lines, low ropes, nature classes and several offerings of craft classes. In 2022, Bell County set an all-time county record for 4-H camp attendance with 81 total individuals attending the weeklong session. For the second consecutive year, Bell County broke it's own record by having 88 people attend 4-H Camp in 2023. There were 70 youth campers, nine teenage counselors and nine adult counselors. An after-camp evaluation with several campers and parents show that over 90% of the attendees had a great time and were ready to attend 4-H Camp in 2024. Due to various reasons, there are several low income families residing in Bell County, thus making payment to attend 4-H Camp near, if not completely, impossible. Several businesses and individuals stepped in and donated enough money so that every camper only needed to pay $50 (instead of the full amount of $275) to attend camp. These donors (many of whom are 4-H alumni) understand the positive impact that 4-H Camp can have on young people.
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