Success Story4-H Camp was totally RAD!
4-H Camp was totally RAD!
Author: Julia Reid
Planning Unit: Madison County CES
Major Program: Camping
Plan of Work: Develop and Strengthen Leadership and Life Skills
Outcome: Long-Term Outcome
This year at Madison County 4-H Camp the camp theme was time warp, and man did we have a rad time! Together with Scott Darst, the other 4-H Youth Development Agent, Casey Faulkner, and Nicik Lunsford, our two 4-H Program Assistants, we had a great team! That is not to say we did not have difficulties, as we did run into the general camp issues as homesickness, illnesses, and minor disciplinary issues. Throughout the week I was so glad to have the support of our team at camp. Even when Scott and I were pulled away to "put out the fires," as they say, we knew camp would go on and we were leaving the counselors with people who would make sensible decisions and solve problems! Aside from our internal team, we had close to 50 counselors, of those 34 were brand new counselors. I believe it truly speaks to our camping culture as well as our counselor training program what a great time our campers and counselors had! As a result of an informal survey, 90% of our counselors would come back next year! Several even provided feedback about how to improve the equipment or lesson plans for the classes they taught! 100% of our campers said they made a new friend, and 95% said they tried something new for the first time! Between our wonderful office staff and incredible counselors, we really could not go wrong this year! We are already planning a counselor appreciation cookout to help with counselor retention for next year!
Stories by Julia Reid

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