Success StoryBlackberry Field Day at Garrett Farms
Blackberry Field Day at Garrett Farms
Author: Daniel Becker
Planning Unit: Horticulture
Major Program: Horticulture, Commercial
Outcome: Initial Outcome
Garrett Farms in Paducah is a diversified farm specializing in vegetable and fruit production and direct to consumer sales.
The owner, Danny Garrett expressed interest in diversifying into other fruits besides strawberries. After consulting with Samantha Anderson, the McCracken County Agriculture and Natural Resources Agent and Daniel Becker, the Vegetable and Small Fruit Extension Associate, Danny decided that blackberries would be the best fit for his operation. After applying for a grant through the Kentucky Horticulture Council's (KHC) Small Fruits Initiative Danny was able to plant two acres of blackberries in spring 2022. Further consultation with UK extension personnel and with KHC director Cindy Finneseth, encouraged Danny to try two different training systems as a comparison.
In October, Garrett Farms was the site of a blackberry field day with 44 in attendance showcasing blackberry production. Participants got to hear lectures on production practices, varieties suited to Kentucky, pest control, and water monitoring. A field tour of the new blackberry planting was central to the discussion of different training systems. Participants were able to learn about blackberry canopy management using the T and rotating cross arm (RCA) trellising systems.
With the technical assistance of extension providers, Garrett Farms was able to diversify and add a new crop to their operation. Furthermore, with support from KHC, they were able to practice management of different blackberry training systems.
Along with diversification has come expansion for Garrett Farms. A new farm stand has been built along with entertainment activities for customers. During the months of June and July, blackberries are given a central place on the shelves. Danny has reported that "I am able to sell as many quarts of blackberries as his workers are able to pick".
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