Success StoryFood Preservation | A Sustainable Life Skill
Food Preservation | A Sustainable Life Skill
Author: Natalie Taul
Planning Unit: Grayson County CES
Major Program: Food Preparation and Preservation
Plan of Work: Safety Education for Home, Food and Agriculture
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
Many individuals and families have had a renewed interest in food preservation in the past 3 years. Some are turning to the internet for instruction, but much of what is on the internet is misleading or just wrong. Safety when preserving food should be priority and research-based methods should always be used. With this in mind, the Grayson County Extension Agent for Family and Consumer Sciences, implemented several food preservation workshops in June 2023
A total of 33 participants were reached through 5 different workshops. The first workshop was conducted virtually and was marketed to individuals with little to no food preservation experience, or those wanting a refresher on the basics. Food safety and canning principles were the main discussion followed by a review of needed equipment for canning. Following the Intro to Home Canning class, 4 hands on classes were facilitated, 2 water bath and 2 pressure canning classes.
After attending the various food preservation workshops 100% of participants reported they could identify safe, research-based methods of home food preservation, understand the difference between low and high acid foods, and can also identify the correct method of canning based on a food’s acidity level.
Below are what some participants listed as the most significant thing they learned or will apply after attending:
- How to can safely when constantly seeing other unsafe practices all over the internet.
- Pressure canning process.
- Storing jars without rings.
- The correct type of canning method to be used based on acidity of food.
- Why acid is added to tomatoes
- Salt is optional.
- Knife skills.
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment