Success StoryMaster Clothing Volunteers Make a Difference in Local Communities
Master Clothing Volunteers Make a Difference in Local Communities
Author: M. Elizabeth Coots
Planning Unit: Shelby County CES
Major Program: Master Clothing Volunteer
Plan of Work: Developing Leadership & Volunteer Skills
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
Studies indicate that sewing is not only a productive hobby and life skill, but it can also reduce stress and increase an individual’s feeling of self-worth. The Shelby County FCS Agent advised and worked with eight Master Clothing Volunteers to plan programming for the year. The Agent also coordinated with the Jefferson County 4-H Agent who serves as the Louisville Area Master Clothing Volunteer Agent Contact and participated in the statewide MCV Training, helped to organize a Louisville Area MCV Community Projects Sewing Day, provided MCV program updates and helped market the program.
Sharing their sewing skills with others is important to the twenty-two area MCVs. Each one served as a teacher and leader in their county in the area of sewing. During the past year the MCVs have led over 150 sewing programs, including 4-H sewing project days, Sewing Series, monthly Sewing Circles, “Come Sew with Us” events for beginning sewers, neighborhood sewing groups, mending events, sewing club and mission sewing groups.
The 12 MCVs reported making over 4500 contacts this year and sewing over 250 community service items. They also reported volunteering 2,586 hours in teaching, preparation, continuing education, leadership, and community service. Based on the value of volunteer time ($26.85/hr), this is a contribution worth $69,434.10 to their communities. Some sewing students and some MCVs have used their sewing skills to make additional money for their families. The MCVs taught sewing to nearly 400 4-H youth and other youth who used their new sewing skills to complete 4-H sewing project garments or other sewing items. The 4-H youth and other youth were proud of their newly developed sewing skills that will last a lifetime.
One of the highlight activities held in Shelby County was a partnership between the Extension Office and the Shelby County High School Family Resource and Youth Service Center. A series of “Reality Workshops" was held for the high school seniors. On March 7, there were 125 high school seniors at the Extension Office, divided into five groups that rotated through different sessions. The topics were sewing, cooking, finances, auto mechanics and voter registration. Shelby County Master Clothing Volunteers taught the sewing workshop session and provided hands on training for how to sew on a button and how to hem a pair of pants. Each student practiced both skills and then received a small sewing kit afterwards.
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