Success StoryFarmer Addresses Johnsongrass Infestation with Alfalfa

Farmer Addresses Johnsongrass Infestation with Alfalfa

Author: Brian Jeffiers

Planning Unit: Johnson County CES

Major Program: Forages

Plan of Work: Livestock and Crops

Outcome: Long-Term Outcome

A Johnson County farmer reached out to Extension in fall 2022 needing help with johnsongrass in his hayfield. After consulting with two forage specialists, the ANR agent determined that the field was a good candidate for Roundup-ready alfalfa. This would allow the farmer to simultaneously generate high-quality forage while creating a herbicide treatment option for suppressing the noxious johnsongrass infestation. After completing soil testing and fertilization, the farmer seeded the alfalfa in spring 2023. A field day for beef producers from four counties was held in early summer to show the results, with a forage specialist addressing the lessons learned and expected outcomes. As of mid-summer, the alfalfa was continuing to grow with a steady decrease in johnsongrass population after the first treatment with glyphosate.

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