Success StorySewing Skills
Sewing Skills
Author: Deborah Shepherd
Planning Unit: Wayne County CES
Major Program: Apparel and Textiles (Non-Master Clothing Volunteer)
Plan of Work: Building Strong Relationships throughout the LIfespan with Family and Consumer Science Skills
Outcome: Long-Term Outcome
Sewing Skills
Sewing skills are a vital part of life skills that can bring participants a lifetime of value. Wayne County Extension Family and Consumer Sciences program offers a wide range of hands-on learning opportunities for community members. In addition, FCS Agent serves as Lake Cumberland Area Master Clothing Volunteer Agent Responsible, offering additional resources and learning opportunities to grow skills and team building collaborative efforts for Master Clothing Volunteers. A monthly newsletter is also provided to leadership and community members for additional information and resources. Studies show that creative activities such as sewing can have positive mental health benefits.
In Stitches Newsletter serves 218 community members.
In Stitches Members:
Increase of 18 new members
Average of thirty-five participants monthly hands-on learning opportunities
Nine leaders participated in Jabez Quilt Seminar
Thirty-eight participated in Mt. Quilt Fest Event
98% of Participants report using learned skills to create quilts or other sewn items for gifts and sale, as well as personal use.
100% of Participants report creative opportunities provided by In Stiches classes have had a positive effect on their mental health.
100% of participants of monthly meetings have reported they learned at least one new skill at each class they have attended.
100% of participants of monthly meetings have reported they shared a skill learned in class with someone else.
Master Clothing Volunteers:
Increase in Master Clothing Volunteers – Three new leaders for a total of nine for the Lake Cumberland Area.
LCA Master Clothing Volunteer Leadership Learning Event – Eight participated
State Master Clothing Volunteer Fall Training – eight participated
Volunteers currently have given 280 hours of teaching time (all hours are not yet reported for current program year)
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment