Success StoryAdventures in Learning Cloverbud Camp was a success!
Adventures in Learning Cloverbud Camp was a success!
Author: Danielle Kinder
Planning Unit: KSU Administration
Major Program: Camping
Plan of Work: Unrelated to a specified County Plan of Work
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
The Adventure in Learning Cloverbud Camp that was administered last year had such a good turn around that it had to be offered again. Due to the demand another Cloverbud Camp was established for Kentucky State University staff as well as the Frankfort community. The 4-H Youth Development team was ready and came together and delivered just what they wanted. This year's camp had around 28 students in the beginning, which was almost double of last year's 15 students that attended the camp. Out of the 28 students that attended the previous year five of them were returning students from last year. Since three of the five returning students were older and this was their last year being a Cloverbud. This gave us the opportunity to let them help a little with instruction. Their job was to help out by showing the new kids what to do on some of the activities. They really enjoyed being able to do that. Overall, the camp participants were able to spend four days at the Rosenwald 4-H Youth Development Center doing activity-centered and encouraging activities in a camp like setting. Our primary goal for the week was to promote children's healthy development either that’s was mentally, physically, socially and emotionally by implementing quality educational programs to the youth. Out of all the programs that were administered at camp the students told us that they enjoyed learning about the robots, doing team building activities daily, learning about nutrition and the five food groups, being able to be an detective by examine finger prints to solve a crime, and learning about nature within their community. Another thing to note out of all the participants that attended, by a show of hands 100% of them said that they had fun at camp and couldn't wait for more programs like this, 95% of them stated that they wanted to come back, and 100% of them on the last day said that they didn't want to leave. These results show the need of quality educational programs like this in the community. The Rosenwald 4-H Youth Development Center staff has given the community something to look forward too every year now during the summer months. The data also shows us with this type of program being offered can provide an excellent opportunity for children to reach their highest potential and hopefully by year three the program can grow even bigger and be even more successful than the last couple of years.
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