Success StoryBeef Educational opportunities
Beef Educational opportunities
Author: Robert Smith
Planning Unit: Nelson County CES
Major Program: Beef
Plan of Work: Crop and Livestock Management and Marketing
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
Beef production continues to grow in our county and our educational outreach grows along side. In 2017-18 we introduced some new programs intended to help improve forages on the farm. I felt that knowing the forage quality on the farm is important enough that I began an on farm sample taking effort. This involves me going to the farm an pulling the samples for the farmer and then sending them to the lab for testing. Once the sample information returns recommendations are made as to the quality of the hay and to whom it should be fed. Also, in a effort to increase quality forage I had Dr. Jimmy Henning come down to present on baylage and call into our radio show to cover the topic of what is good quality hay. Dr. Jeff Lehmkuhler also came down for a workshop on feeding and minerals. Dr. Steve Higgins presented to a large group on improving infrastructure on the farm including automatic waters, rain storage, cattle handling and layout of the farmstead. Sixty Five individuals received educational training for the County Agriculture Improvement program and another ninety received beef quality assurance training. Our beef cattle association meets six times per year and covers an educational topic at each meeting.
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