Success Story4-H Safety Day Program
4-H Safety Day Program
Author: Raymond Cox
Planning Unit: Harlan County CES
Major Program: Health
Plan of Work: Promote Safety, Health, Wellness and Good Nutrition
Outcome: Long-Term Outcome
Over 400 students attended the 20th Annual 4-H Safety Day held April 14 at National Guard Armory. All fifth graders from Harlan County and Harlan Independent Schools attended. Due to the increasing number of ATV and drowning related accidents in Harlan and surrounding counties, it was established a need for safety information presented to students by professionals. Water and boating safety, fire safety, emergency rescue, gun safety, bicycle safety, weather-related safety, ATV safety, and DUI simulated goggles were topics of presentations. Students rotated through eight stations for presentations. Presenters at this year's safety day were: Harlan City Police, Harlan Ambulance Service, Harlan Rescue Squad, Department of Fish and Wildlife, Harlan City Fire Department, Harlan County Farm Bureau, Harlan County Sheriff's Department, Harlan County Schools Safety Resource Officer, National Weather Service, and Army Corps of Engineers. Students learned from professionals in their fields. Safety is a component of the state's core-content school testing program in the spring. Evaluations reflected that 90 percent of students agreed to wear helmets when riding bicycles and ATV's. 85 percent of student answered they were more aware of the importance of wearing life jackets when boating or fishing.
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