Success StoryLivestock Selection Helping Youth Make Positive Life Choices
Livestock Selection Helping Youth Make Positive Life Choices
Author: Mike Meyer
Planning Unit: 4-H Central Operations
Major Program: Agriculture 4-H Core Curriculum
Plan of Work: Health, Nutrition, and Wellness
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
4-H Livestock selection and judging programs have long provided youth the opportunity to build on communication, teamwork, and leadership skills while practicing their decision-making abilities. Harrison County has built a strong tradition within the 4-H livestock Judging Program through years of dedicated and skilled volunteers willing to work and travel countless hours with participants for practice and contest.
In 2017, 16 members of the Harrison County Livestock Judging team expressed interest in expanding involvement to contest and clinics outside of Kentucky in order to broaden their visibility with coaches and professionals within the field. Three senior members acknowledged wanting to pursue livestock evaluation as part of their career. To assist with their livestock education, the team traveled to the Indiana 4-H/FFA Invitational Contest, placing 2nd overall, as well as participated in open clinics both in Ohio, Indiana, and Kansas.
With additional training and preparation, the Harrison County 4-H Livestock Judging Team participated in the Kentucky 4-H Livestock Judging Contest in June with the hopes of being competitive and achieving their goals. Hard work and dedication showed, as they were 1st place senior team with only three members. All three seniors placed in the top 12 overall for the contest, two of which are traveling on the Kentucky 4-H Judging Team for the fall of 2017.
Due to their dedication, success, and ability to build upon their evaluation, communication, and personal skills, two senior members, Wyatt Banks and Dalton Gates, have received scholarships to continue livestock evaluation at Lincoln Land College in Illinois and Redlands College in Oklahoma in the fall of 2018.
Our 4-H Livestock Evaluation program and volunteers plan to continue providing opportunities to 4-H youth in Harrison County that will continue to provide them with lifeskills and personal skills that are adaptable to financial and educational success as they pursue a post-secondary education.
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