Success Story Walking Towards Better Physical and Mental Health
Walking Towards Better Physical and Mental Health
Author: Rebecca Woodall
Planning Unit: Crittenden County CES
Major Program: Active Living and Health Promotions General
Plan of Work: Healthy Lifestyle Choices for Family and Youth
Outcome: Initial Outcome
It is well known that walking has many health benefits. It is lesser known the mental health benefits of walking. According to the American Psychological Association, “one in nine cases of depression that could be prevented if all adults did just 150 minutes of physical activity per week, the minimal amount recommended by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention”.
To Kick off Mental Health Awareness Month and the start of summer, Crittenden County Family and Consumer Sciences started a “Walk in the Park Wednesdays” program. Glenn’s Pharmacy, a locally owned pharmacy, donated backpacks with water bottles and pedometers. Each Wednesday, at 8 am, everyone in the community is invited to meet at our local city/county park and walk the walking trail, just a mile and a half. There has not been a large crowd yet, but there has been a consistent crowd. One woman said walking in the park on Wednesday is the most she has walked since she had surgery a year ago. She also said that her days “start better on Wednesdays” because the walking gets her up and going. Another 71 woman said she used to walk all the time but got out of the habit. She stated, “You got me back on it. I get up every morning, not just Wednesdays, and walk” She is now up to walking four miles a day in just three weeks! All who have started walking have reported feeling better both physically and mentally.
American Psychological Association. (n.d.). Want to boost your mental health? take A walk. Monitor on Psychology.
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