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Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302


Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302

Fiscal Year:
Jul 1, 2024 - Jun 30, 2025

Success StoryThe Mind Body Connection

The Mind Body Connection

Author: Lynn Blankenship

Planning Unit: Metcalfe County CES

Major Program: Active Living and Health Promotions General

Plan of Work: Active Living, Health Promotions and Substance Abuse Prevention

Outcome: Long-Term Outcome

The problem

Youth in our public schools have reported increased stress and anxiety.  Physical activity opportunities provided for many Elementary school aged youth focus on strength and endurance, with less emphasis on balance and flexibility. Extension support staff requested educational sessions at the 2023 Chi Epsilon Sigma annual meeting, to address stress reduction/management.  

The educational program response

The Mind Body Connection - Yoga based simple stretching, balance, deep breathing and meditation exercise for stress release and flexibility of mind and body.  

The Mind Body Connection, Simple Deep Breathing and Meditation practice

The participants/target audience

Metcalfe Co. Elementary School 21st Century Afterschool program youth participants and adult employees.

University of Kentucky Support Staff professional association Chi Epsilon Sigma.

Program impact or participant response.

This Extension Agent published the 5-unit Mind Body Connection curriculum in 2011, through University of Kentucky Family and Consumer Sciences Extension.  During the 2022/23 program year this Agent offered mind-body connection practice programs with 108 youth, ages 5 – 11 through the Metcalfe County Elementary 21st Century afterschool program.  Sessions were provided twice monthly, with two different group sessions on each date.  Bi-weekly sessions consisted of simple exercises that develop the mind body connection -- including Hatha Yoga based stretching/balance, deep breathing, guided progressive muscle relaxation, and mindful meditation, self-check-ins.  

Medium – term impact: At the start of the school year, 28 % of all student participants were able to balance well on one foot.  After learning and practicing three different exercises to improve balance and being encouraged to practice balance exercises at home, 72% of participating students showed improved ability to balance on one foot at the end of the school year.   Long-term impact: This Agent has taught mind body exercise in Metcalfe County to groups of adults and youth regularly, since 2012.  Seven participants in the 21st Elementary school Mind Body Exercise program this year approached this Agent to say that they "love yoga" and practice similar exercise at home with their mothers (6) or grandmother (1).  Long - term impact: When asked to find out from their mothers/grandmothers where they learned this exercise routine (Hatha yoga-based stretching exercise), five youth participants then told this Agent that four mothers and one grandmother said they learned this exercise practice from participation in past community programs, offered by this Extension Agent, and they have now taught mind-body exercise to their young children/grand child.

This Agent was asked to offer three sessions of Mind Body Connection for Stress Release, at Chi Epsilon Sigma’s, April 2023 Annual Extension Support Staff meeting.  Ninety support staff members each took part in one of three offered, mind body connection learning sessions. Sessions included an individual reflection activity to identify personal stressors/how stress is held in the body, practice of three research-based deep breathing exercises, practice of the progressive muscle relaxation activity, and practice of the first Qigong exercise.  Session specific pre and post evaluations were provided at the start of each session, then collected at the end, after completion of the post session evaluation sections.  

Participant evaluation results show increased level of understanding on causes/triggers and physical/mental effects of stress, recognizing the role of the mind-body connection in health/wellness, and different exercises/methods to use for stress release/reduction.  Evaluation indicated the most significant things participants learned from the session that they will apply included, deep breathing exercises, OSHA computer work – station ergonomic/posture information, and mind – body exercise practices including simple yoga-based stretching, and Qigong.  Of the ninety participants, three indicated this subject matter was not timely or practical for them.  Participants listed the following groups that they would use/share the information learned from this session with 1. recovery groups, 2. ECE children, and 3. office team members.

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