Success StoryVegetable Gardening Series
Vegetable Gardening Series
Author: Carrie Spry
Planning Unit: Clark County CES
Major Program: Horticulture, Consumer and Home
Plan of Work: Horticulture, Livestock, Forages, Agriculture
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
One of the top requests for assistance from Extension Horticulture would be help with vegetable gardening. Each year many first time gardeners reach out seeking advice on how to grow a vegetable garden. Therefore a 3 day program was planned to cover a wide range of topics. The first night focused on the basics of beginning a vegetable garden along with specifics and details on many vegetable crops that can be grown in Kentucky. The second night was a focus on maintenance of the vegetable garden where discussion was had on how to maintain it along with disease, insect, and weed control methods. The third and final night was a focus on harvesting vegetables and storage of fresh vegetables. All 3 nights were taught and led by the Clark County Extension Agent for Horticulture, while the Clark County FCS Extension Agent joined on the 3rd night to assist with teaching. 100% of the participants that responded to the class surveys indicated that the learned new information each night that they will apply in their gardening endeavors. Many of those participants are signed up to participate in a hands one food preservation class so that they can learn how to preserve the vegetables they can now successfully grow.
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment