Success Story46th Annual Turfgrass and Landscape Short Course Meets the Needs of Turfgrass Professionals
46th Annual Turfgrass and Landscape Short Course Meets the Needs of Turfgrass Professionals
Author: Kenneth Clayton
Planning Unit: Plant and Soil Sciences
Major Program: Horticulture, Commercial
Outcome: Initial Outcome
As covid measures reduced travel and in person events were at a minimum, the University of Kentucky lost two full time faculty members, and some staff in turfgrass science. Extension programs for turfgrass stakeholders were at a minimum during this time. Stakeholders had questions about what exactly they could expect in way of support through the university. Through efforts of Dr. Ray Smith (Department of Plant and Soil Sciences), the Kentucky Horticulture Council, and some longtime friends of the program the University was able to continue a long tradition of hosting the 45th Annual Turfgrass and Landscape Short Course February 2022. Excellent efforts were made just to pull this event off, especially after coming off a zoom event the year prior. The numbers were lower than years past for this event but quite impressive considering the circumstances. It was at this event that a position was announced for an Extension Associate Senior in Turfgrass. I was officially hired in this position starting on June 1st, 2023. Through support from the department of Plant and Soil Sciences, collaboration with county agents specializing in turfgrass; Jason Vaugh, Andy Rideout, and Beth Wilson, and in partnership with the Kentucky Horticulture Council we were able to make a strong push for a revitalized Turfgrass and Landscape Short Course. After many days and hours of hard work we were able to host the 46th Annual Turfgrass and Landscape Short Course in Elizabethtown KY. This event was attended by over 550 turfgrass professionals and we were able to offer pesticide testing to over 100 of the attendees, as well as up to 12 credit hours of continuing education for current pesticide license holders over the three-day event. This event reached the needs of stakeholders across the state and has shown the importance of extension directed towards the green industry at large.
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