Success StoryCooking through the Calendar 2023
Cooking through the Calendar 2023
Author: Robin Burton
Planning Unit: Grayson County CES
Major Program: Nutrition and Food Systems General
Outcome: Long-Term Outcome
It has become more evident over the years that some chronic diseases can be and is related to a poor diet. Sometimes people suffer from food insecurity and cannot afford the healthier foods needed to provide all the nutrients and vitamins a human body needs. At other times people may be lacking access to healthy food; maybe they don’t have a car to drive, or there isn’t any public transportation that’s available to them. Whatever the reasoning, it is more important than ever that everyone learns that eating healthily is crucial to their current health status, as well as when they begin to age. “The Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2015–2020 suggest that a healthy eating pattern include consuming a variety of different fruit and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables are sources of many essential nutrients, such as vitamins, minerals, and fiber, and consumption is associated with decreased risk of chronic disease ( Products - Data Briefs - Number 397 - February 2021 ( .”
Underlying health issues coupled with poverty, lack of access to good health care, race, and unemployment rates, Kentuckians have found it hard to stay as healthy as they could be if all these problems weren’t a determinant. In a report from the Kentucky Center for Economic Policy, it states that, “Less than half of Kentuckians over the age of 25 report being in very good or excellent health (SNAP-and-Health.pdf ( This report also stated that, “Kentucky has the 8th-highest rate of food insecurity among states,” which is why it is imperative for individuals to learn how to make healthy meals out of the resources that have available to them.
The importance of SNAP-Ed relates to how widespread it is throughout the state of Kentucky. And approximately one in nine Kentuckians now make grocery store purchases with SNAP benefits, thus the importance of the program. Recently the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Senior Assistant, in Grayson County, KY, taught a series of classes to a group of adults. using the Healthy Choices for Every Body curriculum. These classes focus on eating more fruits and vegetables, how to read food labels, meal planning, knowing what foods to limit, and much more. There were 22 individuals who took part in this series. Pre and post tests were conducted to collect data. From the results of the posttests there was a 61% improvement in diet quality; a 76 % improvement in food resource management; an 87% improvement in the number of participants who are physically active; and a 20% improvement in food security. The SNAP-Ed program is more important than ever today, as you can see from the improvement percentages from this series. This is an on-going series that is conducted yearly in Grayson County, KY.
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