Success StoryCultural Arts Competition Surpasses Expectations
Cultural Arts Competition Surpasses Expectations
Author: Dylan Gentry
Planning Unit: Adair County CES
Major Program: Kentucky Extension Homemaker Association
Plan of Work: Strengthening Family & Consumer Sciences
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
The 2023 Adair County Cultural Competition was the most highly participated in local cultural arts competition history. Novel marketing efforts by volunteers and staff lead to a doubling in the amount of entries received and a 50% increase in the number of those participating. Largely to thank for this new success was a concentrated advertising strategy and strategic community partnerships.
The marketing for the 2023 Adair County Cultural Competition was one of the most aggressive campaigns yet for an Adair County FCS Program. It involved radio, newspaper, magazines, our office website, newsletters, the chamber of commerce, flyers, and social media. Advertisements were purchased in the local newspapers and on Facebook and Instagram. Word of mouth also could not be discounted as many reported being referred by friends. This coordinated campaign resulted in five new members joining homemakers in order to participate in the competition. In 2022, there were thirty entires in our competition, whereas this year the number ballooned to sixty-two entries. New to this year’s competition was six wonderful volunteers to help check-in items.
The county competition was a success, but the momentum did not stop at the county. Following the county competition, seventeen items received 1st place at the area competition held in Taylor County. These entries will advance to state, where they will represent our community and organization. Many of those who entires are advancing to state will travel to Louisville for the state competition, this will continue to promote our local competition and lead to future growth.
Stories by Dylan Gentry
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Stories by Adair County CES
Introduction to Photography
Describe the Issue or Situation:In the Lake Cumberland Area, many Homemakers had an interest in phot... Read More
Cajun Cooking
Describe the Issue or SituationLake Cumberland area residents have expressed a growing interest in l... Read More
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