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Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302


Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302

Fiscal Year:
Jul 1, 2020 - Jun 30, 2021

Success StoryKentucky Junior Master Gardener and Learn, Grow, Eat, Go! Program

Kentucky Junior Master Gardener and Learn, Grow, Eat, Go! Program

Author: Ashley Osborne

Planning Unit: 4-H Central Operations

Major Program: Agriculture 4-H Core Curriculum

Outcome: Initial Outcome

In Kentucky, at least one out of every three adults (34.2%) and children (37.1%) are overweight or obese, more than one out of every five Kentuckians (16.8%) and Kentucky children (21.9%) experience food insecurities, and one out of every three Kentuckians (29.8%) are physically inactive (SNAP-Ed, 2017). Youth gardening programs have shown increases in youth vegetable preferences, vegetable consumption, knowledge in nutrition and plant science, and engagement in physical activity (Spears-Lanoix, et. al, 2015). A Junior Master Gardener in-service was held September 19-20, 2017 for 6 county teams. Each county team had a representative from 4-H Youth Development and Agriculture/Natural Resources and/or Horticulture. In addition, four of the six teams had a representative from Family and Consumer Sciences. Twenty-five CES personnel (including agents and program assistants) were in attendance. At the in-service, Lisa Whittlesey, Junior Master Gardener National Program Coordinator, provided an overview of the Junior Master Gardener Program and Learn, Grow, Eat, Go! Curriculum. County teams participated in hands-on activities during the in-service, and were charged with implementing a Junior Master Gardener Program in their county by August 31, 2018. All county teams have reported utilizing the materials in school enrichment, after-school, club, day camp/day program, and/or environmental camp settings, and all stated that they plan to utilize the curriculum in the future. In the Fall/Winter of 2019, three in-services will be provided in western, central, and eastern Kentucky to train county Extension personnel on the Junior Master Gardener and Learn, Grow, Eat, Go! Programs.


Erica, C. Spears-Lanoix, MA. E., Lisako, J., McKyer, PhD, MPH., Evans, A, PhD, MPH., McIntoch, W, PhD., Ory, M, PhD, MPH., Whittlesey, L, MS., Kirk, A, MPH., Hoelscher, M, PhD, LD, RD., Warren, L,, PhD. (2015, December). Using Family-Focused Garden, Nutrition, and Physical Activity Programs To Reduce Childhood Obesity: The Texas! Go! Eat! Grow! Pilot Study. Retrieved from

Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Education (SNAP-Ed) 2017 Annual Report. (2017). University of Kentucky. Retrieved from

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