Success StoryBig Blue HOT Challenge
Big Blue HOT Challenge
Author: Jane Proctor
Planning Unit: Trimble County CES
Major Program: Active Living and Health Promotions General
Plan of Work: Substance Use Prevention and Recovery/Making Healthy Lifestyle Choices
Outcome: Initial Outcome
Big Blue HOT Challenge 2023
Annually, Family and Consumer Sciences Agents see an increased interest from clients in health-behavior choices. This year, to reach both current and new clientele with timely and research-based information, the HOT Challenge (Henry vs. Oldham vs. Trimble) presented a county challenge in time for the holidays - Big Blue Goals. The program was designed to allow for participation through either an online platform (Goalify app) that could be operated on a smartphone, computer, or tablet, or through a traditional paper format. Participants received daily or weekly educational information about a variety of topics, organized under three challenges which included: increasing physical activity, preparing meals at home, or Living Well. Participants selected one or all three of the challenges in which they participated and recorded efforts made in each area during the 8-week program.
A total of 26 individuals participated in the Big Blue HOT Challenge through both formats, and as a group made an impressive amount of wise and healthy choices. Through the Goalify app, program administrators were able to track participation levels in the selected challenges. At the end of the challenge, all participants were given the opportunity to complete an evaluation survey.
Seventy-two percent of Trimble County survey respondents adopted a new physical activity practice as a result of participating in this challenge. Additionally, 85% of respondents who recorded health measures indicated an improvement in at least one health indicator (cholesterol, blood pressure, body mass index, or blood glucose.) Participants reported being more mindful about preparing meals at home and adopting living well practices.
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