Success StoryHay Testing Program Adds Producers, Species

Hay Testing Program Adds Producers, Species

Author: Brian Jeffiers

Planning Unit: Johnson County CES

Major Program: Forages

Plan of Work: Livestock and Crops

Outcome: Intermediate Outcome

With over a quarter century serving forage producers in eastern Kentucky, the East Kentucky Hay Contest continues to turn new ground for Johnson County farmers. This year's sampling included three farmers who had never previously had forage testing done. This step alone is critical to helping them determine nutritional needs for their livestock, but the livestock are the second new area where the contest has been successful. One of the new producers raises hogs, one pleasure horses, and the third competitive horses. All these types of animals require optimum nutrition, so the forage results will be used with the known composition of concentrates and protein supplements to create a complete picture of the animals' rations.

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