Success StoryTrimble County Farm Bureau Ag Field Day
Trimble County Farm Bureau Ag Field Day
Author: Ralph Hance
Planning Unit: Trimble County CES
Major Program: Agriculture 4-H Core Curriculum
Plan of Work: Unrelated to a specified County Plan of Work
Outcome: Initial Outcome
Trimble County has a proud heritage as a farming community. However, youth attending Trimble County schools today are, at least, two to three generations removed from the traditional farm. Most grow up in a rural non agricultural environment. Many are unfamiliar with where their food comes from, how crops and livestock are produced and even less aware of what is happening on Trimble County farms. It is estimated that less than five percent of youth, K-12, actually come from a farming background. In 2010, the Trimble County Farm Bureau received a $1,000 grant from Kentucky Farm Bureau to conduct an Agriculture Day for fourth grade students. Other partners in the Agriculture Day included the Trimble County Soil Conservation District, the agent staff of the Trimble County Cooperative Extension Service and Trimble County Schools. Student groups rotated between educational stations learning: how to show an animal and being involved in 4-H Livestock club, how to milk a cow, observing animals raised on local farms, how bees produce honey and are important to pollinating crops, the horticultural difference between fruits and vegetables, where wool comes from, and types of crops grown on local farms. Since 2010, Farm Bureau AG Day has re-connected more than 700 Trimble County students to their agricultural roots. Starting in 2013, the Cooperative Extension Service has begun providing financial support to this important program. In 2017, 103 Trimble County 4th graders attended the Farm Bureau Ag Day.
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