Success StoryFeeding America Kentucky Heartland Hispanic Outreach in Taylor County
Feeding America Kentucky Heartland Hispanic Outreach in Taylor County
Author: Angela Freeman
Planning Unit: Taylor County CES
Major Program: Nutrition and Food Systems General
Outcome: Initial Outcome
In April and May of 2020, food insecurity rates had risen to 25.8% from 15.3 in February. New real-time, state-specific U.S. Census data shows that at least one aspect of food insecurity, food scarcity – defined as sometime or often not having enough to eat – is currently impacting 1 in 7 adults in Kentucky. Household Pulse Survey state data (for the week ending July 7) indicates that among Kentucky households with children, 16.5% sometimes or often do not have enough to eat. Though hunger has increased across all demographics nationally, long-standing structural barriers to having enough food mean that food scarcity is higher for people of color. According to Northwestern University’s analysis of the weekly Census data, nearly four in ten Black and Hispanic households with children aren’t getting enough food to feed their families during the pandemic. (Kentucky Policy magazine, Jessica Kline, July 17, 2020).
In the Summer of 2021, the Nutrition Education Assistant was contacted by the Hispanic Outreach Coordinator from Feedin America, Kentucky Heartland, about holding a Hispanic food outreach at the Extension Office for three months, starting with September 15, the first day of Hispanic Heritage Month. The Nutrition Education Assistant contacted the local food pantry, Lake Cumberland Community Action, and The Healing Place to obtain assistance from volunteers for the events. Instructions were given to not publicize the event with media, but with organizations that had contacts with the Hispanic community. School resource centers were contacted, and the Nutrition Education Assistant visited Mexican restaurants, churches, and took fliers to laundromats and Hispanic grocery stores.
The first distribution on September 15 reached over 150 families with food bags designed around the foods popular for Hispanic cooking. Volunteers from a Hispanic church, the food pantry, and the Extension Office staff assisted. On October 15, 288 families were given bags of food, with leftover bags given to the Taylor County Food Pantry. 8 men from The Healing Place assisted with distribution, along with 5 Taylor County Homemakers, food pantry volunteers and Extension staff. The November 15 had similar results and the same volunteer groups and little leftover food. The Hispanic contact in Taylor County expressed appreciation for the efforts made. Sadly, the coordinator at Feeding America, Kentucky Heartland, resigned in November before the distribution, so no additional outreaches were scheduled. However, the commodities representative at Lake Cumberland Community Action stated that since the outreaches, an increae in Hispanic families have been noted at both commodities and at Feeding America community outreaches this past year. Efforts continue with schools and churches to reach Hispanic families in Taylor County. The Nutrition Education Assistant has distributed Hispanic Chop Chop magazines at a local Hispanic church and at Laundromats and a Hispanic grocery store.
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Feeding America Kentucky Heartland Hispanic Outreach in Taylor County
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