Success StoryA Grandmother's Struggle with Cholesterol
A Grandmother's Struggle with Cholesterol
Author: Sandra Kennedy
Planning Unit: Clark County CES
Major Program: Accessing Nutritious Foods (general)
Outcome: Initial Outcome
A Grandmother on her regular doctor’s visit received the test results that her cholesterol levels were elevated. At the advice of her physician he wanted to administer one more prescription to help lower her readings. She was really disappointed for she felt she was accomplishing her goals of lowering her bad cholesterol with baking, using canola oil, and leaner cuts of meat.
After talking with a friend who had received a packet of nutritional information from the Healthy Choices for Everybody curriculum on Good Health for everybody, she was interested in getting a packet also. She contacted the Extension Office for this information that discussed ways to cook her favorite foods without adding extra fat and calories.
After several months she returned to her doctor for labs, where she anticipated the levels would be the same. Much to her surprise, with changes in her diet, and food preparation, along with the increase of physical exercise, her levels were lowered and more manageable.
She says without the information she received about the Healthy Choice Curriculum her medication would have increased.
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