Success StoryWellness in Kentucky
Wellness in Kentucky
Author: Rachel Hance
Planning Unit: Logan County CES
Major Program: Making Healthy Lifestyle Choices (general)
Plan of Work: Developing Individual Health and Well-Being
Outcome: Initial Outcome
According to the Barren River District Health Department, Logan County ranks in the 95th percentile for childhood obesity. This data includes 23% of kindergarten age and 30% of 6th grade students that are reported as obese. To address these alarming statistics, the Logan County Extension Agent for Family and Consumer Sciences coordinated with the PE teacher to present the Wellness in Kentucky curriculum to the 4th and 5th grade students at Olmstead Elementary School. There were ten sessions presented covering the topics of fiber, fat facts, portion control, movement and physical activity, fruits and vegetables, sugars and bone health. Included in each session was an educational message using a variety of visual aides and games and activities so that students had a more hands on approach to learning. Approximately eighty students participated in the program over the course of five months.
Pre and post evaluations were given to each student during each session. The evaluations showed the following results:
- Recommended amount of physical activity you should get every day is 60 minutes: pre test indicated 67% true while post test indicated 100% true with an increase in knowledge of 33%
- Nutrients provided by fruits and vegetables: pre test indicated 71% could name while post test indicated 84% could name with an increase in knowledge of 13%
- 77% indicated that walking helped maintain a healthy weight
- 89% indicated that walking was a great way to increase physical activity
- 60% indicated that soft drinks and other sweetened beverages area contributing factor to increasing obesity
- Much of the fiber from fruits and vegetables is found in the skins: pre test indicated 75% true while post test indicated 91% true with an increase in knowledge of 16%
- Calcium can help prevent osteoporosis: pre test indicated 67% true while post test indicated 90% true with an increase in knowledge of 34%
Based on program evaluations, students were also able to determine good food sources for fiber and calcium, low fat snack options, and that smaller portion sizes are a healthier option. As part of our continuing efforts to reduce the obesity rates in Logan County, plans are to continue the Wellness in Kentucky program in our school systems.
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