Success StoryJobs for American Graduates (JAG)
Jobs for American Graduates (JAG)
Author: Sarah Redmon
Planning Unit: Scott County CES
Major Program: 21st Century Skills (Career & Workplace Development)
Plan of Work: Basic Life Skills for Youth and Adults in Scott County
Outcome: Initial Outcome
JAG is becoming a popular class in the school systems today. JAG, which stands for Jobs for American Graduates provides life skills and help them overcome barriers while preparing them for the work force, secondary education, or the military. The 4-H Agent was asked to come and provide educational lessons for the JAG student at Great Crossing High School. One of the educational lessons was public speaking, public speaking is the #1 fear for Americans. The 4-H Agent spent one day for three weeks going over what 4-H is and how they can become involved in 4-H, provided SNAP Ed mini lessons, and implemented communication lessons with the students. JAG students talked about what qualities good public speakers have, the different ways speeches can be given such as; inspirational, informative, persuasive,and entertain, and the different parts of the speech. Youth were asked to give a one minute speech on a topic of their choosing to get comfortable speaking in front of their classmates. By the third week youth were able to give effective 2-3 minute speeches on their topics and felt more comfortable on writing and speaking in front of their peers. In total 62 youth are more confident in their public speaking skills.
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