Success StoryLiving with Loss
Living with Loss
Author: Rebecca Miller
Planning Unit: Bell County CES
Major Program: Family Development General
Plan of Work: Improve physical and mental health
Outcome: Initial Outcome
Death is unavoidable, yet we keep it at arm’s length. We know it is going to happen, but we don’t want to let it in. The purpose of the Living with Loss series is to help people feel more comfortable talking about and exploring issues related to death. This lesson highlights self-care and managing grief. Talking about self-care and how to manage grief is important because it helps people learn how to adjust and keep on living after a loved one has died. When grief is properly processed, coping and healing can result.
To help people better take care of themselves and manage grief, the FCS Agent in Bell County taught the lesson, “Living with Loss: Self-care and managing grief.” 31 homemakers attended the program from across seven counties in the Wilderness Trail Area and each will take information given to them back to their clubs and teach others about how to deal with grief.
Through verbal responses and a true and false game at the end of the lesson, 100 % the reported that the lesson helped them better understand the grief experience. 100% of participants reported that the lesson taught them how to better take care of themselves during times of grief by eating right, getting the right amount of sleep and exercising. 100% reported learning the benefits of grief journaling and received journals to start writing their own story. In summary, this lesson increased 100% of participant’s overall understanding about the importance of self-care and managing grief. A follow up evaluation will be done in six months to see what changes have been made.
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