Author: Melissa Pilcher
Planning Unit: Boone County CES
Major Program: Nutrition and Food Systems General
Outcome: Long-Term Outcome
The Boone County Nutrition Education Program paraprofessional presented the Healthy Choices for Every Body series in cooperation with St. Elizabeth Hospital PrimeWise Program. PrimeWise is a free educational program for seniors and is designed to empower older adults to take charge of their own health.
Seniors often lose sight of the reality that cooking is a vital element of healthy living. Many of them report that they choose to dine out or opt for quick solutions rather than focusing on nutritious food. By providing a hands-on experience along with the research-based curriculum, 9 participants had the opportunity to cook healthy, delicious meals together, sample foods that they might not have chosen for themselves, and experience the satisfaction of cooking from scratch.
One 80-year-old participant who was recovering from open heart surgery commented that he and his wife typically didn’t cook at home but that his doctor encouraged him to begin doing so. He thought he didn’t like squash or green peppers prior to taking the class. And even those who had previously prepared meals at home reported that they felt revitalized and enthusiastic about attempting new, healthier recipes.
By the end of the series, 100% of the participants indicated improvement in diet quality according to data that was collected using a national reporting system. 88% of participants showed improvement in managing their resources, including a 33% increase in creating a list when going to the grocery. By creating a list, participants were more likely to prepare meals at home.
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