Success StoryHealthy Bodies and Healthy Minds Summer Camp
Healthy Bodies and Healthy Minds Summer Camp
Author: Toina Williams
Planning Unit: Hardin County CES
Major Program: Nutrition and Food Systems General
Outcome: Long-Term Outcome
June 10, 2022
Toni Williams
SNAP-Ed Assistant
Hardin County
Healthy Minds and Healthy Bodies Summer Camp 2022
The Summer of Prevention Camp was host by three schools in Hardin County, Lakewood Elementary, Cecelia Valley Elementary, and Creekside Elementary. This camp was held this year during the first week of June for 7th through 10th days. This year’s location for the camp was at Lakewood Elementary School with 47 youth grades PreK-5.
There were three other partners that participated at the summer camp: Elizabethtown Police Dept., Hardin County Soil Conservation, Communicare Behavioral Specialist. Each agency did breakout sessions with the groups. During my session, I talked about food safety and making the right drink choices during the summer months, and eating more fruits and vegetables to help build up their immune systems.
I had a conversation with one of the parents and she stated that “they had to listen to her son talked about washing hands, washing fruits and vegetables, washing hands after playing outside, and to drink plenty of water and we can add fruit or vegetables to the water.” The example about the fruit being touch by several individuals and eating it without being washed first, that they were eating other people’s germs. The parent was pleased with the things her son learned during camp.
This is a long-term effect for the individual and his family. This is a positive change for the whole family.
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