Success StoryMy Plate

My Plate

Author: Toina Williams

Planning Unit: Hardin County CES

Major Program: Nutrition and Food Systems General

Outcome: Intermediate Outcome

July 15, 2022


Toni Williams

SNAP-Ed Assistant

Hardin County




Working with a special needs group has been one of the things I wanted to do. The Down Syndrome Association of the Heartland Area contacted me about doing class with the group.

This was my first in person class since the COVID shut down. The first class we talked about MyPlate, and what it should look like, when eating breakfast, lunch or dinner. Each participant was given a MyPlate showing the layout of the plate to take home.

The next class one of the parents told me her son uses the MyPlate every day during dinner time, he makes sure that his plate is exactly the way plate has it laid out. He is eating more fruits and vegetables throughout the day.

This is a positive enforcement and a long term effect for both the child and the parent. That plate acts a reminder of what their plate should look like and it is promoting healthy eating for the family.


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