Success StorySeniors in Hardin County access to Fresh Veg
Seniors in Hardin County access to Fresh Veg
Author: Amy Aldenderfer
Planning Unit: Hardin County CES
Major Program: Local Food Systems
Plan of Work: Active Living and Health Promotion
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
The Kentucky Department of Agriculture’s Senior Farmers’ Market Nutrition Program provides eligible low-income seniors with redeemable vouchers for fresh, unprocessed local fruits, vegetables, hone, and herbs at approved Farmer’s Markets. The program helps improve nutrition for low-income seniors, by providing access to fresh fruits and vegetables. The program also increases local farm sales and encourages individuals to shop at the local Farmers Market.
The voucher system provides $48 on a debit card to each eligible senior citizen. This year the Hardin County Extension Horticulture Agent accepted the responsibility to market the Senior Voucher program and distribute them to qualified Hardin County residents. The agent set up at the local farmers markets and contacted the local food bank to spread the word. This was the fifth year for the Senior Farmers Market Vouchers to be distributed. Ninety (90) debit cards were dispersed to seniors. Of those people receiving the vouchers 42 disclosed they had not shopped at the farmers market before. The potential increase in sales at the local farmers market is $4320 plus the added benefit of the Double Dollars program can double the revenue into the market to $8,640.
For the 2021 season, the market redeemed 83.52% of the vouchers distributed for a total of $3608 of additional revenue to the farmers.
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