Success StoryMarketReady Gone Virtual
MarketReady Gone Virtual
Author: Savannah Columbia
Planning Unit: Agr Economics
Major Program: Farm Management, Economics and Policy
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
In 2021, the MarketReady Training Program went from an in-person event to a virtual platform. The virtual learning experience was well-received. From July 2021 to June 2022, we have had 94 Kentucky growers and/or producers participate in our virtual trainings [this includes our MarketReady Training and its follow-up Adv. Topic trainings]. The sustained interest in MarketReady has led our team to develop plans for two Buyer Tours in August – one in Lexington and one in Louisville. During each Buyer Tour, we will visit 3 or 4 buyers in each city to see what happens behind the back doors! We will visit a restaurant, grocery/retail market, and an institutional buyer. The Buyer Tour allows growers and producers to get a behind-the-scenes look at what happens at various marketplaces. Growers and producers will be able to ask questions, talk with buyers, and get first-hand experience with what it is like to bring product to a restaurant, grocery/retail store, or institutional buyer. We already have interested buyers and tour participants. I am very excited to see the impact the Tours have on the participating growers.
We will continue to host our MarketReady Training virtually, along with interspersed in-person events like the Buyer Tours.
For additional background information, The MarketReady Program is for growers and producers interested in selling to schools, restaurants, grocery stores and other retail outlets, wholesale, etc. The program can be beneficial to those who are just thinking about the idea and for those who are already establishing relationships with buyers.
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