Success Story4-H Sewing: A 4-H Alumni Continues to Share Her Skills
4-H Sewing: A 4-H Alumni Continues to Share Her Skills
Author: Stacey Potts
Planning Unit: Daviess County CES
Major Program: Family and Consumer Science
Plan of Work: Fostering Life Skills Education in Youth and Families
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
The primary goal of the Kentucky 4-H Sewing program is to teach youth about the art and skills of creating useful items using needle and thread. This includes not only the use of a hand needle and thread, but also the sewing machine, serger and even the iron. Sewing can be used to create clothing and wardrobe essentials, as well as useful items for daily living. Even simple sewing projects require several hours of work to complete, especially for youth who are learning. Over the past 25 years over 500 Daviess County youth have learned to sew through 4-H.
A Daviess County 4-H alumni who is now a theater teacher at a local high school shared how she still uses the skills she learned from the many, many 4-H sewing projects she completed still benefit her and her students. Each year she teaches her performing arts students how to sew on a button and hem. Additionally, they will complete a project such as a pair of pajama pants or a pillowcase. She has also used her sewing skills to alter student’s homecoming and prom dresses. Her family legacy of 4-H sewing projects will continue this year as her daughter is finally old enough to enter her own 4-H sewing projects into the county fair.
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