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Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302


Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302

Fiscal Year:
Jul 1, 2023 - Jun 30, 2024

Success StoryFarmer Educational Events

Farmer Educational Events

Author: Brandon Sears

Planning Unit: Madison County CES

Major Program: Beef

Plan of Work: Encourage and Promote Sustainable Agriculture Practices

Outcome: Initial Outcome

The agricultural industry is ever evolving and changing. Landowners face production challenges and regulatory requirements in a fast-paced environment. With post-COVID restrictions largely lifted, the Madison County Ag Council identified areas of education for Madison County producers. In consultation with the Ag Council, the Madison County ANR agent provided four educational meetings held from February to May. On February 21st a regional grain production meeting was held in Fayette County and covered topics such as marketing options, market outlook, 2022 production budgets, and best production practices. Also, that same evening, a Fence Law Update was held at the Madison County Extension Office where Clint Quarles, KDA ag attorney, discussed KY Fence Laws and how to settle potential landowner disputes. Approximately 45 attended the meeting and there were many questions from the group. Hardcopy versions of current KY fence law were handed out.

Following the fencing theme, the next night on February 22nd an electric fence workshop was held at the Madison County Extension Office where about 25 local farmers participated. Jeremy McGill from Gallagher Fence Company presented information about equipment for and construction of both permanent and temporary electric fence. Attendees received electric fence construction booklets and handouts. Once again there was much interest and several questions for the speaker.

Finally, on May 19th the ANR agent partnered with the Madison County Beef Cattle Association to host a farm field day at the Thomas Farm in Paint Lick. This was the first one in over two years. Dr. Jimmy Henning and the Madison County ANR agent spoke about the importance of soil testing and forage management/grazing in times of increased fertilizer cost. The cattle association selected new board members and presented their service award. KY Proud burgers were served with approximately 130 local farmers attending. The Madison County HORT agent set up a table with suicide prevention and health related information.

Stories by Brandon Sears

Grain Rescue Tubes

Grain Rescue Tubes

about 7 months ago by Brandon Sears

Grain storage bins have been in use since their invention by Illinois farmer Fred Hatch who is thoug... Read More

Madison County Extension ANR Educational Programming

about 7 months ago by Brandon Sears

Madison county continues to be among the top three counties for growth in Kentucky. Many who move he... Read More

Stories by Madison County CES

Grain Rescue Tubes

Grain Rescue Tubes

about 7 months ago by Brandon Sears

Grain storage bins have been in use since their invention by Illinois farmer Fred Hatch who is thoug... Read More

Outdoor Adventure Camp

Outdoor Adventure Camp

about 8 months ago by Brandon Darst

Last year was the Pilot year for the 4-H Outdoor Adventure and our goal this year was to expand it t... Read More