Success StoryPulaski County 4-H Breaks a Leg
Pulaski County 4-H Breaks a Leg
Author: Erica Spurgeon
Planning Unit: Pulaski County CES
Major Program: Communications and Expressive Arts
Plan of Work: Developing leadership skills- youth NEW
Outcome: Initial Outcome
According to the National Council on the Arts, students who have art-rich experiences do better across-the-board academically, and they also become more active and engaged citizens, voting, volunteering, and generally participating at higher rates than their peers.
In April of 2022, Pulaski County 4-H agents, Jennifer Cole and Erica Spurgeon, brought Missoula Children’s Theatre (MTC) in for a week-long residency. MTC has been touring for nearly 50 years from Montana all the way to Japan.
MTC arrived in Pulaski County on a Monday and open auditions were held that evening. 25 youth participants were cast in the production. 68% of the youth participants were new to 4-H. For 80% of the youth participants this was their first experience in theatre. These young actors rehearsed nightly from Monday to Friday. They learned stage direction, blocking, how to read a script, and all about props, costumes, and sets. On Saturday, the youth had their final dress rehearsal and the performance. The 4-Hers were supported by the smiling faces of friends, family, and educators in the audience. Their hard work and dedication made their performance of Red Riding Hood a success.
Collaborations within the community made this program possible. Science Hill Independent School provided access to their auditorium and cafeteria. Science Hill teacher, Hanna Young, assisted in set-up and facility access. Southern Elementary Performing Arts teacher, Dawn Pyles, played the piano. Pulaski FCS homemaker club, Just Among Friends, sponsored meals for the 4-Hers.
The success of the program and community interest in further experiences has inspired Pulaski County 4-H to begin a Performing Arts club. Our plan is to do a yearly production starring local youth.
“I had a really good time with the play Red Riding Hood. It was lots of fun. I hope I can do another show soon! I want to do as many as I can before I get too old.” – email from a 4-Her
“It was so amazing to see how well they put this entire show together in just a week.” – quote from a parent
Several of the new participants have since joined us for other 4-H events and registered for summer camp.
4-Hers in costume after a performance of Red Riding Hood
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