Success Story4-H Virtual Cooking
4-H Virtual Cooking
Author: Kindra Jones
Planning Unit: Grayson County CES
Major Program: Family and Consumer Science
Plan of Work: Advance Adult & Youth Life Skills Preparation
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
While cooking classes in person is the most ideal way to work with youth and teach a skill, especially in the kitchen, the consensus from the previous program year indicated to keep cooking classes virtually. The biggest reason for the request was for busy family schedules. Keeping the classes virtual allowed parents the chance to continue to work or farm during the meeting and reduce travel. Participants could come home from school, log on and work together virtually to prepare the meal for the meeting.
The 4-H Agent selected recipes that were easy for a youth to make with minimal to no adult assistance. Selections each month included some type of appetizer (i.e. salad) or side dish, a main dish and an easy dessert. Ingredients were sent out via email at least one week prior to the meeting so families could check home inventory and/or purchase items needed. The day of the meeting, the recipes were sent out along with the meeting link for Zoom. It would be noted if ovens needed to be pre-heated or items to be set out to be softened, like butter.
Nine youth participated in virtual cooking over the course of Program Year 2022, all varying in skill level and at home parent participation. For the final meeting of the year, the group met in person to how to prepare an authentic Mexican meal using a discada. The father of some of the members, who are of Hispanic ethnicity, offered the lesson. The youth came to the office early to begin preparing the meal items using skills they learned throughout the year and cooked everything providing a final meeting meal for all participants and their family members.
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