Author: Mackenzie Pogue
Planning Unit: Muhlenberg County CES
Major Program: Communications and Expressive Arts
Plan of Work: Developing Life Skills
Outcome: Initial Outcome
Name one benefit of e-filing your taxes? How do you typically pay for a new car warranty? How might a university’s graduation rate influence your decision to attend? These are all examples of questions the Muhlenberg County 4-H Junior LifeSmarts Team studied for months leading up to their debut competition. LifeSmarts focuses on five key topic areas: consumer rights and responsibilities, the environment, health and safety, personal finance, and technology. A team compromised of five 4-Hers worked together to claim the 2022 Kentucky State Championship. Traditional 4-H programs introduce 4-Hers to hands on experiences, volunteerism, leadership skills. The LifeSmarts skiathlon style program tests 4-Hers intellectual skills by literally putting them to the test. Adult volunteer leaders trained 4-Hers and cheered them on to their championship title.
Describe the Issue or Situation. Increasing conception rates and ultimately the number of calves bor... Read More
Describe the Issue or Situation.According to the Cabinet for Health and Family Services, Kentucky ha... Read More