Success Story4-H Drama Camp
4-H Drama Camp
Author: Lora Stewart
Planning Unit: Gallatin County CES
Major Program: Communications and Expressive Arts
Plan of Work: Communications and Expressive Arts
Outcome: Initial Outcome
Theatre Education is vital for a well-rounded youth development. It helps provide self confidence, imagination, empathy, tolerance, cooperation, concentration, communication, problem solving, fun, trust, memory, and social awareness according to Act Too Players. Gallatin County does not have a lot of opportunities for children to perform on stage so Gallatin County 4-H offered a drama camp this summer. They studied the different job opportunities available in the theatre. They designed and created both the set design and the costumes for the tea party of Alice in Wonderland. They then had their own “tea party” from Alice in Wonderland. They want to perform the tea party scene at the Kentucky State Fair. The collimating event was to go see a professional performance of Alice In Wonderland at Derby Dinner. This was the first time any of the children in the drama camp had been to a professional performance. There are plans to work with the Gifted and Talented Teacher at the Gallatin County Schools to offer a drama club after school.
Stories by Lora Stewart

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