Author: Nick Roy
Planning Unit: Adair County CES
Major Program: Master Gardener
Plan of Work: Strengthening Adair County's Agriculture Industry
Outcome: Long-Term Outcome
The Adair County Extension Master Gardener program was offered in 2022 with the goal of expanding horticulture education efforts offered by the Adair County Cooperative Extension Service. Through the hard of volunteers, the fruits of this effort are already being harvest.
In late Spring 2022, one participant began developing curriculum for a series of education meetings targeting youth. Soon after other Master Gardener participants volunteered to offer assistance in teaching the lessons. The goal of the program what to provide youth with an experience of growing vegetables in hopes of cultivating a growing interest in gardening. The program was entitled "Green Thumb"
A total of 18 youth enrolled in the program. "Green Thumb" session are currently underway and includes both lecture and hands on activities. Green Thumb is just one off many examples of how the Extension Master Gardener Program empowers volunteers to reach their communities using Extension resources.
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