Success StoryCommunications Event
Communications Event
Author: Paula Jerrell
Planning Unit: Ballard County CES
Major Program: Communications and Expressive Arts
Plan of Work: Communications
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
Ballard County is excited to have a 600% increase in their communications competition numbers. While speeches have been given in the classroom for several years, seldom did we have 4-Hers come to the county competition. Particularly after two Covid-19 years we were very excited to have 7 4-Hers compete in speech competition this year. One teacher and 4-H leader, Laura Richardson, helped make the difference. Not only did she require speeches in the classroom, she also worked with and encourage the youth to do the 4-H competition. We had a 7 youth, two boys, 5 girls and one Asian. These same youth are part of a 4-H Club in the classroom focusing on communications as well. We have done several active communications activities and read some of the Amelia Bedilia books as part of their club meetings. The 87 youth in the classroom have gained practical knowledge and skill learning to make oral presentations. They also have practiced their communication skills in giving directions to other students in a hands-on art activity. These 7 have gone to the next level by sharing their talents in a competition. We had one champion and two reserve champions at the Purchase Area 4-H Communications Event. The champion went on to compete at the state level.
Stories by Paula Jerrell

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Stories by Ballard County CES

Etiquette for the Real World
As part of a leadership and job shadowing effort, 4-H teens also completed an etiquette training. Th... Read More

21st Century Ag Fun Day
Fifty-seven youth with diverse backgrounds were educated on agriculture through the 21st Century Aft... Read More
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