Success StoryFarming 101: A beginning farmer series
Farming 101: A beginning farmer series
Author: Joanna Coles
Planning Unit: Warren County CES
Major Program: Farm Management, Economics and Policy
Plan of Work: Livestock & Crop Production
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
Supporting beginning farmers is a topic identified by stakeholders across Kentucky. A committee of agriculture agents from the Mammoth Cave Area of Kentucky worked together to develop a 4-session program that would provide a sound foundation for clients that want to start a farming operation. The sessions were delivered via ZOOM. Each session was 1 hour long. Sessions were developed to address questions that many beginning farmers have and provide beginning farmers with information about resources that are available to them. Sessions were designed to be delivered online, and the program will be developed into an online class that clients can take as they become interested in starting a farm.
Sessions were a mixture of live online instruction and video clips. Agents created a series of educational videos using multiple resource professionals: USDA: Farm Service Agency CED and NRCS District Conservationist, county soil conservation district technician, local banker, local insurance agent, and a vehicle enforcement officer from the KY State Police. Extension Professionals provided videos to cover EIN#s, pesticide use, farm taxation basics, basic equipment needs for a farm, and land use planning. An agent presented information on enterprise selection using budgets from UK Ag. Economics. Marketing, presentation materials, and online background graphics were created to give a consistent look to “Farming 101” materials.
44 people registered for the program. The average attendance was 28. Each session was evaluated using the Qualtrics online survey platform. Ninety-six percent of survey responses indicated an increase in knowledge of the information presented. Eighty eight percent said they would use the information to make changes or improvements to their farm. Participants provided a lot of feedback, here is a sample: I will create goals and execute them, be more involved with the extension office, secure tax exemption and verify my insurance coverage, and develop a business plan. A six-month follow-up survey of participants is being developed and mentoring visits will take place during the spring of 2022.
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