Success StoryHopkins County Students "Get Cooking"
Hopkins County Students "Get Cooking"
Author: Katherine Jury
Planning Unit: Family and Consumer Sciences
Major Program: Accessing Nutritious Foods (general)
Plan of Work: SNAP Education
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
In Hopkins County, 35% percent of children are overweight or obese, and in all Hopkins County schools, there are over 50% of students who are eligible for free or reduced lunch.These children may or may not have access to healthy foods at home, and their parents may or may not have the life skills to teach them how to prepare healthy foods at home. In an effort to combat childhood obesity, and improve children’s access to healthy foods, the Hopkins County FCS Agent, in partnership with the Hopkins County 4-H Agent, presented “Let’s Get Cooking”, a day camp targeting 4th-8th grade students in Hopkins County over Spring Break. Through the program, 17 students participated in 6 hours of hands-on learning about kitchen safety, nutrition information, and basic cooking skills. Examples of topics covered were how to safely use kitchen equipment such as a microwave and stovetop, basic knife skills, properly measuring ingredients, separating an egg, and browning meat. At the conclusion of the program, all students demonstrated the ability to correctly measure wet and dry ingredients, identify and use a paring knife and chef’s knife, and how to safely cook in a microwave and on a stovetop. One student reported that as a result of the program, she could now cook a healthy meal for her family from start to finish independently.
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