Success StoryTeaching Healthy Lifestyles in School Clubs
Teaching Healthy Lifestyles in School Clubs
Author: Samantha Saunders
Planning Unit: Robertson County CES
Major Program: Health
Plan of Work: Nutrition and Health
Outcome: Long-Term Outcome
Each month, I visit the 3rd, 4th, and 6th grade classrooms for a monthly 4-H club meeting. We begin these meetings with the pledges and discussing current events and activities going on with 4-H in the county. The remainder of the club meetings are spent doing activities and learning about topics that coincide with what they are learning in school. In February, the teachers wanted me to focus on healthy lifestyles. This topic is very important, but had to be adjusted for each grade as to what all they knew and what they face on a day to day basis.
3rd graders focused on healthy eating and exercise. We talked about the importance of both and went over the "My Plate" graphic.
4th graders went more in depth on healthy eating and exercise, along with the addition to hygiene and lifestyle habits (such as sleep).
6th graders knew all about the basics to a healthy lifestyle, but what they were missing was a healthy social lifestyle. This class has struggled this year with bullying and drama, so we spent the afternoon talking about different kinds of bullying and how to identify it whenever it occurs to you or others.
All classes took the topic of living healthy very serious and were all very eager to learn how they can be healthier in general. Each child was given a Chop Chop magazine and we reviewed some recipes and articles within the magazine. Healthy living is something that takes a lot of work in order to make a habit in your every day life. By teaching about healthy lifestyles in these school clubs, we are opening up a door for long-term outcomes - especially when it comes to lifestyle changes.
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