Success StoryState Cut Flower Short Course
State Cut Flower Short Course
Author: Alexis Amorese Sheffield
Planning Unit: Horticulture
Major Program: Horticulture, Commercial
Plan of Work: Increasing quality and quantity of small agriculture practices
Outcome: Long-Term Outcome
The Boyle and Warren County Horticulture agents worked in conjunction with the KY Horticulture council and Center for Crop Diversification, to put together an online series of short courses aimed at commercial cut flower growers, around the state of Kentucky. Three courses were created focused on production practices, disease and insect management and marketing based on previous surveys from the recently established database of KY flower growers.
A total of 165 farmers attended the online courses. Of the attendees ____% had less than 5 years experience, _____% had ____ years experience, and _____% had over 10 years or more. Attendees indicated they sold in a variety of ways including farmers markets, wholesale to florists, direct to consumer via bouquet shares, and some considered themselves farmer-florists using blooms for events.
Attendees indicated they came away with ______ skills from the courses, including......
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