Success StoryEducational Needs in the Time of a Crisis

Educational Needs in the Time of a Crisis

Author: Robert Kirby

Planning Unit: Knox County CES

Major Program: Economic Development and Workforce Preparation - ANR

Plan of Work: Growing Leadership

Outcome: Initial Outcome

With the untimely death on July 4, 2021, of Knox County's largest grain and hay producer, the extension educational obligations increased on his farm immediately. The Knox County Agriculture Agent began the process of educating farm crew on identifying weeds to be sprayed in soybeans, recommending herbicides to be used and showing how to drive and operate a Spray Coupe in order to spray the soybeans.  Following soybeans spraying the crew was educated on when hay was the correct moisture for baling, dry hay and hay to be wrapped and ensiled.  As the growing season came to an end harvest began. The Knox County Agent began harvest by educating the farm crew on moisture of the crop to be harvested.  When moisture levels were at or below harvest recommendations, the agent trained the crew on how to operate a combine and how to use it in the field.  After, the harvest educational opportunities began with managing the crop once it was stored in the grain bins. Crops have been harvested, stored and educational efforts by the Knox County Extension Agent continues with marketing the crops to be sold.

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