Success Story Eating Healthy and Affordably
Eating Healthy and Affordably
Author: Emma Robinson
Planning Unit: Jefferson County CES
Major Program: Accessing Nutritious Foods (general)
Outcome: Initial Outcome
The Kentucky State University Cooperative Extension Program (KSUCEP) continues to provide low-income families in Kentucky with hands -on nutrition education to combat food insecurity and nutrition-related health challenges. As part of the efforts being made by KSUCEP, nutrition Extension Agent in Jefferson County, Emma Robinson, in partnership with Cooking Matters created a 12-hour class separated into 6 sessions for low income, underserved families who have children in the home. The objective of the sessions was to educate participants on how to eat healthy and affordably using the Cooking Matters curriculum.
The 2-hour class starts with a practical cooking experience, followed by an interactive education session. Cooking Matters provides a chef to work with the participants on how to cook the meal choice of the day. KSUCEP nutrition Extension Agent then teaches the participant the nutritional values of the meal prepared and how to buy the ingredients affordably. After each class, participants go home with the left over ingredients to independently practice what they have learned.
So far, 30 families have participated in the program and some of the participants have expresses their excitement about eating foods that were creatively taught by the nutrition Extension Agent during the sessions. As a result of the program, clients have also demonstrated how they are able to prepare meals using no salt and how important it is for them to consciously check nutritional labels of the commodities they buy.
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment