Success StoryHealthy Eating, Exercise, & Growing Lettuce
Healthy Eating, Exercise, & Growing Lettuce
Author: Heather Graham
Planning Unit: Wolfe County CES
Major Program: Horticulture, Consumer and Home
Plan of Work: Agriculture Production, Diversification, & Sustainability
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
Both Wolfe County SNAP assistants and the ANR agent partnered to deliver a program to all students at Bethany Christian School about healthy eating, exercising, and growing their own food. Each session began with the children learning about the life cycle of plants and included an activity for the kids to be a growing seed/plant. Then the students made their own milk jug greenhouse. They learned how to care for their lettuce, how greenhouses help extend the growing season, and were given a growth chart to keep track of their lettuce growth. Students then learned about MyPlate and how important veggies are to their growing bodies. A healthy snack was provided for them. Wally Cat even made a special visit to exercise with the children! Several students were able to grow fresh lettuce for their families in the middle of December, something that was very exciting for them!
Stories by Heather Graham
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